e-book and Digital Editions

e-book and digital editions, statement from the publisher
Are digital editions of the Software Testing books available eg Kindle™?

We are a specialist publisher of technical books for an audience of career-minded professionals in software testing who see the advantage of acquiring internationally recognized qualifications.
Many established books on software testing are not reflective of the extensive ISTQB™ Syllabus updates and other significant changes within the industry and international standards.

To avoid highly visible system failures and consequent reputational damage, there needs to be a focus on software quality. A formal approach to software testing supported by professionally qualified individuals who form an essential part of the project delivery addresses this requirement.

Book content represents hundreds of hours of preparation, checking and formatting for consistency and accuracy, so we would not be prepared to release the files in other electronically readable formats as digital rights cannot be securely maintained. We always carefully consider how much information from our books to make available on the revisionary website and to preview online.

The time required to reformat larger books of 300 to 400 pages and test for display on various Kindle™ and/or other mobile devices is not something we are currently considering. It may change in the future.

We think the display would only work well on larger mobile readers due to continuity and the content layout needs. It would therefore be important for us to do physical testing on several specific devices. We feel this would not be affordable and something of a distraction. The available software tools may not achieve the requirements for quality display on many devices. Due to the interactive nature of self-learning over time or in classroom settings, we feel that a printed copy is best suited and may be used as a reference in future.

You may purchase the printed book from your closest Amazon print-on-demand outlet in many countries in Europe, the USA and elsewhere in the world. This allows you to make images of some pages for personal use to help with your learning and revision. The Amazon print on demand is very fast typically 3 to 5 days. All books are available directly from Amazon UK, US, DE, ESP, ITA, NL, SWE, PO, FR, AU, CA, JP.  Printed copies are also available directly from us in the UK.

The ASTQB™ remotely proctored exams are popular for candidates around the world. Self-paced learning is likely to require concentrated blocks of study over a few weeks or between 2 and 6 months to achieve the necessary level of confidence before sitting the exam.

If you are planning to study for a software testing exam, we wish you the best of luck and success.
AiFlex Publishing UK.